
Top 5 Paragon Glyphs for Rogue in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 is an immersive experience not only due to its robust narrative, but also in terms of intricate gameplay mechanics. There are many systems that one can leverage for crafting a great character build. Players get to choose from some potent classes with varied skills and abilities. After crossing level 50, one can get access to Paragon Board, within which powerful glyphs can be slotted.

Paragon Glyphs provide great stat boosts that are instrumental to tackle end-game content. Diablo 4 consists of many end-game activities that will pit players against challenging enemies, elite bosses, and more, which will warrant having all the advantages one can get. However, certain glyphs are more potent than others in regard to the Rogue class.

Disclaimer: This listicle is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinions.

Ranger and 4 other great Paragon Glyphs for Rogue in Diablo 4

1) Closer

Closer Glyph offers a bonus wherein Cutthroat skills deal an increased amount of damage for every single Dexterity purchased in the range. Those inclined to use a melee weapon in Diablo 4 with their Rogue class even get an additional bonus that enables them to take reduced amounts of damage from foes.

To avail this additional bonus, however, players will require a minimum of 40 Dexterity on the Paragon nodes (they should be in its radius). This glyph is ideal for those who frequently resort to Cutthroat skills like Blade Shift, Invigorating Strike, and more as it allows one to deal more damage by using them.

2) Turf

While there are several possible builds that one can craft with the Rogue, the Twisting Blades build is one of the most sought-after ones in Diablo 4. Fans interested in it must try out the Turf Paragon Glyph. It grants a significant boost to damage dealt on close targets for every five units of Strength purchased.

The additional bonus offers a reduction in damage from close enemies on the condition that you reach 40 Strength on nodes within its influence radius. Players looking for protection against close enemies (foes that are in the range of any melee attack) will admire this glyph as it can be useful when tackling multiple enemies as well.

3) Ranger

One can engage in long-range combat using Rogue, which enables them to keep a safe distance from foes. The Range glyph is beneficial in this regard since it strengthens the damage numbers dealt from Marksman skills (for every five units of Dexterity invested) like Puncture, Forceful Arrow, and more.

Fans resorting to this glyph must equip a ranged weapon as the additional bonus will help them take a reduced amount of damage. To avail of this bonus, one must possess at least 40 Dexterity in the radius of the allocated node. Players opting for the Ranger glyph must therefore use a ranged weapon frequently.

4) Combat

Another crucial glyph to consider is Combat, especially if one is inclined to craft a Twisting Blade build or utilize Rogue’s other core skills like Barrage, Flurry, or Rapid Fire. This glyph enables them to deal enhanced critical strike damage with their aforementioned core skills (for every five units of procured Intelligence).

The additional bonus associated with this glyph offers a certain percentage of energy cost refund pertaining to skills that unleash critical strikes. Players aiming for this bonus must first ensure that there are 25 units of Intelligence in the nodes within the radius. One can effectively regenerate some of the energy cost with this Diablo 4 glyph while inflicting significant critical damage.

5) Bane

One can craft another Diablo 4 build with the Rogue class that deals poison damage. Those interested can peruse this guide on crafting the best Poison Rogue build. The Bane is an excellent glyph to have since it allows one to deal an increased amount of poison damage (for every five units of purchased Strength in the range of this glyph).

Upon accumulating 25 Strength around the allocated node, players can leverage the excellent additional bonus, wherein effects from poisoning damage have a slight chance of dealing double damage as long as the effects are active. This glyph can enhance the build to cripple the enemies significantly, making it easier to tackle multiple foes.

Diablo 4 consists of many other systems like Aspects, Gems, and more, which one needs to consider when crafting an efficient build. Those who are new to the series or wish to get more clarity about glyphs can peruse this Paragon Board guide.

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Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-19