Where was Lahari Pathivada last seen? Body reportedly found in search for missing 25-year old McKinn
Lahari Pathivada, a 25-year-old woman from McKinney, Texas, vanished on her way to work on May 12, 2023. Pathivada, who was last seen driving to work in a Black Toyota Rav 4, X NCT-4059 around the area of El Dorado Parkway and Hardin Boulevard in McKinney, was reported missing by friends and family after they tracked her phone to Oklahoma.
A day after Lahari Pathivada went missing, the WOW community group in Texas, which helped amplify the message of her disappearance, confirmed that the 25-year-old was found dead. The group has not provided further information on the circumstances that led to the discovery.
Authorities have yet to release further information on the missing persons case, including where the body was found. The circumstances behind Pathivada’s death are also unknown.
Lahari Pathivada graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Texas
On the heels of Lahari Pathivada's disappearance, a concerned community joined in the search efforts, imploring the public for information that can lead to her whereabouts. Friends and family described Pathivada as a fiercely bright and driven young woman, who was beloved in the community for her affable nature.
Pathivada, who graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Texas in Dallas in 2019, reportedly vanished on her way to work. In an impassioned plea for information on Pathivada’s whereabouts, a concerned friend took to social media, sharing a picture of the missing woman and urging anyone with relevant information to contact the McKinney Police Department at 469-427-2118.
The post was widely shared on social media including the WOW community group in Texas, who later provided an update on the missing person being found dead.
Family and friends reportedly grew concerned for the safety of Pathivada after her phone was tracked to Oklahoma when she failed to show up to work on May 12. The inexplicable change in location reportedly sparked concerns and fears among loved ones.
Shortly before Pathivada was found dead, the McKinney Police Department said that they were coordinating with other agencies, including those in Oklahoma, to investigate the disappearance. A spokesperson for the McKinney Police Department said:
“We take every missing person report seriously, and we are doing everything possible to locate Lahari Pathivada. Our dedicated team is working diligently to follow up on leads and gather any information that can help us in this case. We appreciate the support and cooperation of the community during this challenging time.”The circumstances that led to Pathivada's disappearance are still unknown as Authorities have yet to release information on the missing woman's death. Meanwhile, anyone with information was urged to call McKinney Police Department at 469-427-2118 or their local law enforcement agency immediately.
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